Why Fillers Make People Look Older

Excessive use of fillers can distort the natural features of the face, resulting in an aged appearance. As the skin ages, it loses its ability to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, leading to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, loss of facial volume and skin laxity. Fortunately, with recent advances in anti-aging medicine, there are now non-invasive options to restore a youthful look. Many men and women are turning to dermal fillers to restore volume and reduce signs of aging.

However, do they do more harm than good? Dermal fillers are injected into areas such as the cheeks, lips, nasolabial folds and under the eyes to soften the appearance of wrinkles. Contrary to popular belief, injecting fillers into the skin does not stretch it or cause more damage. In fact, dermal fillers can provide many benefits beyond restoring facial volume. Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers last up to 18 months and when dissolved, leave some collateral damage in the form of an inflammatory reaction and capsule formation. The use of facial fillers has become increasingly popular due to influencers like Kylie Jenner and her famous family.

However, overusing fillers can cause an unnatural look which can make you look disproportionate. Putting too much filler on the chin can distort the facial balance, making the lower third of the face look square rather than heart-shaped. To avoid this, aesthetic facial balance is a process which involves injecting fillers around the orbital area, mouth, jawline, temples and forehead. The cost of dermal fillers can amount to several thousand dollars and will have to be repeated as the filler naturally dissipates over time. Other options include permanent filling based on cement products but this combination of unnatural texture and having to wait for collagen injections meant that it wasn't as popular 15 or 20 years ago.

Over time, fillers can stretch and weigh down the skin which means more padding is needed with every visit to the doctor. This stretching of tissues under the skin accelerates the aging process. It is important to find a doctor who knows how the filler reacts on the body and really cares about achieving desirable results. With the right doctor, you can avoid any negative side effects and restore your youthful appearance.

Shelly Hongach
Shelly Hongach

General food fanatic. Passionate travel junkie. Hipster-friendly coffee guru. Hardcore web ninja. Proud travel fanatic.