Is Hyaluronic Filler Safe During Pregnancy?

Hyaluronic acid, a key component found in injectable fillers such as Juvederm, is not considered to be harmful since it is something the body naturally produces. In fact, some doctors even recommend it during pregnancy as dry skin is a common issue among pregnant women and hyaluronic acid supplements can help the skin to attract and retain moisture. But what about injectables such as Botox or dermal fillers? Is it safe to use them during pregnancy? This is a common question at Parson Skin Center, as pregnant women are eager to ensure the safety of their baby. Injectables and dermal fillers have not been approved by the FDA for pregnant or breastfeeding women. However, if you received Botox or dermal fillers early in the first trimester before you knew you were pregnant or due to the lack of FDA approval, there is no need to worry.

These cosmetic treatments are very unlikely to affect you or your baby in any way. Botox and fillers are popular facial treatments that enhance a person's otherwise untreatable skin characteristics. Most dermal fillers last 6 to 12 months, but it is also possible to dissolve the filler before that time. Again, there is no definitive data to support or refute the safety of injectable dermal fillers during pregnancy, nor is there a law prohibiting their use during pregnancy. There are several types of fillers, including fat transfer fillers, permanent fillers, collagen-stimulating fillers, and hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers, which are the most common types of fillers.

Although more than 3.4 million Americans receive fillers each year, pregnant women should not be among them. In addition, many pregnant women already have enlarged lips, so opting for dermal fillers is usually not a good idea, especially if you prefer fillers that are durable. There have not been extensive studies on the use of facial filler during this time, but there could be potential risks and side effects, especially for your baby. These fillers usually last longer than those based on collagen and are also sometimes preferred because filling “errors” can be more easily corrected.

Shelly Hongach
Shelly Hongach

General food fanatic. Passionate travel junkie. Hipster-friendly coffee guru. Hardcore web ninja. Proud travel fanatic.